We first saw him play at EN.CODE, the new techno party in Nairobi. As the closing DJ, his sound was raw, deep and hypnotic. And it got Kenyan techno music lovers dancing till 5am at The Mall parking lot.

After his first ever techno event in Nairobi, we caught up with the newcomer to discover his introduction to electronic music, the inspiration behind his unique style, and the techno scene at the Kenyan coast.

Tchnocrats, meet Rickk.

Tell us about yourself ?

My names Ricky also known as “Rickk” (DJ name). I was born in Germany but currently living on the Kenyan coast. I’d say I’m more introverted and analytical as well as a minimalist.

On your Instagram profile, I see the Kenyan and Germany flags. Why two flags?

I've got the 2 flags on my profile as I am both Kenyan and German.

Alright. Do share with us your techno story.

I had my first introduction into electronic music through electronic music production in my younger years, evolving from dub-step, progressive house and now to the more underground techno scene.

What would you say lured you to it and what is it about techno that made you become a DJ?

I decided to dive deeper into techno after finding interest in more repetitive and bass driven sounds, complimented with a wide range of synths and percussions. I grew a liking to the whole techno community. And being able to share these interests with others through sound brings me joy. Becoming a DJ was one way to do so.

And how are you able to distinguish techno from other genres such as House which I also see listed in your profile? Do you think there is a relation between the two genres?

Techno and house music both emerged from the same underground electronic scene. Techno typically features faster tempos and more darker industrial sounds, while house music has a slower tempo and more warmer uplifting vibe. I tend to mix in the 2 genres as they compliment each other well in building a set that tells a story.

Our first encounter was through EN.CODE in January 2024. How did you become part of that event curation?

I was fortunate enough to have the right people around me who took interest in Techno and kept pushing the idea. So my good friend notified me about the opportunity to be part of the EN.CODE launch event.

What you played was quite heavy and fast, which we enjoyed. Is that your usual techno palette? What you play vs what you listen to on a normal day?

I’d say yes, that is my typical techno palette that consists of a more raw, deep and hypnotic kind of techno that I do listen to quite often in my normal day to day.

And what are your observations about the scene at the coast and in Nairobi?

In terms of nightlife, Nairobi is leading the way compared to the coast. I’d say there are more options in terms of venues and events than at the coast where there are only a handful of places to throw parties and events?

What was your experience being in the panel discussion and playing a DJ set at TCHNO Takeover?

Through my personal experience I found the first panel discussion for TCHNO to be really good and the turnout was great. It was nice to have people come down and sit with us listening and asking questions at the same time. After the discussion, playing a Techno set was the highlight of the night.

What are some of the things you would appreciate seeing happen in the scene in the near future?

Seeing Techno grow further and have a bigger following and appreciation than it does now.

What efforts can we make so that the future generations can still benefit from this sound and community?

To just keep growing and evolving, keeping it relevant and refreshing.

Any Techno artists in Kenya we should have our eye on? Or Africa?

  • Rathod
  • Aqce
  • Kenia

Listen to DJ Rickk’s set at TCHNO, APRIL 26TH 2024

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